The Slide-Structure of a Technical 20-min Presentation
By Michalis Faloutsos
Thanks to Michael Samidi

General guidelines:

A Suggestion for the Structure of the Slides

Clearly this is not the only way. But it has worked for me. Every talk is different. However, if you don't have a lot of experience, this may be a good starting point. Note: Especially for my students: Please start from this structure and write one or two phrases per slide that will summarize the main point of each slide.

1. Title

1 slide

2. What is the problem

1 slide

3. What is the solution/contribution

1 slide

4. Motivation/Importance

1 slide

5. Roadmap

1 slide

6. Background/Model/Definitions/Previous Works

1-3 slide

7. Your innovation and contribution:

  • top-down
  • details in separate slides
  • proof

1-3 slide

8. Experimental results/Proofs

3-5 slide

9. Conclusions

1 slide

10. Future Work

1 slide